Self-examination of breasts cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type cancer in women, being the most important cause of cancer deaths among those aged 15 to 54 years old.

One in nine women can develop breast cancer in their lifetime, as is cumulative reaches 1.5 out in 9 for 65 years. It is more common in women over 50 but one in third of cancers are between 39 and 49 years old.

Other factors discussed increasing the risk of breast cancer
Eat diets rich in fats
Have taken oral contraceptives.
Women thin and are twice as high incidence of cancer.
(National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md. in 1996)

Signs warning
Nodule spontaneous emergence and that does not disappear, even in the armpit.
Showing skin on the breast
Secretion in the nipple
Retraction nipple
Anything that would alter the shape or density of the breast

Early detection of breast cancer
90% of localized breast cancers are curable.
We recommend monthly breast self-examination of from 19 years of age.
It is recommended by the medical examination every 3 years between 20 and 40 years, and annually each year on that age.
Mammograms, the first between 35 and 40 years, every 1 or 2 years between 40 and 49 years.

While 75% of nodules are benign breast of the remaining 25% can endanger his life. That is why self-examination of the breasts is importance because the cancer is curable if detected early.

If you have not reached menopause, it is best to do it a few days after menstruation, as the breasts are less tense and swollen.

If you are in menopause set a date each month to do it.


  • Stand up in front of the mirror with arms fallen throughout the body. Look at the skin of breasts appear in areas where outgoing (nodules) or hoyuelos, or changes in the size or appearance of breasts. Look for the nipples are normal, proving that they are not invested withdrawn or set inwards.

  • Then put your hands on your hips, watching the same thing.

  • Then put your hands on the neck, to realize once again the same observation.

  • Later, when the breasts dry after bathing, put your left hand behind your head and examine the left breast with his right hand as follows:

  • Imagining that your breast is a field clock put your right hand at 12 o'clock (above). Leave your hands relaxed and press with the tips of your fingers (all together) slowly making a circular motion, trying to feel the possible presence of nodules.

  • Do the same operation in the position of the 1 clock, after the 2 and so forth, all the time.

  • When the schedule again put your fingers and hands in the same attitude but now around the nipple and, with circular movements, from 12 noon and in the sense clockwise go making concentric circles.

  • Make small circles ever to reach the nipple.
    Look at the possible existence of nodules and a possible exudation of liquid by the nipple.

  • Finally make a small palpation of the area near the sobaco, where there may be breast tissue.

  • Upon completion of this exploration, must perform the same operation on your right breast, using his left hand and following the same steps.

  • It should perform the same operation being knocked down, putting a pillow on your shoulder right to explore with your left hand at the right breast, then repeating the same operation with the left breast.
If not much fibrotics normal nodules (CF breast), must count and observe their size, so that on each occasion to carry out a check on the number and size of them, having to observe any changes.

You should be aware that 41% of nodules are cancerous in the upper outer quadrant (shoulder direction) of the breast, 34% in the central portion (nipple), 14% higher in the internal (neck direction), 5% in the inferior inner (address navel) and 6% in the lower external (address elbow).